El ejercicio de la democracia en dos comunidades forestales de la Sierra Norte de Oaxaca, México*

Palabras clave

manejo forestal
propiedad común

Cómo citar

Mitchell, R. E. (2014). El ejercicio de la democracia en dos comunidades forestales de la Sierra Norte de Oaxaca, México*. Desacatos. Revista De Ciencias Sociales, (27). https://doi.org/10.29340/27.554


This study examines democratic parameters within the framework of common property systems. Two forest-based communities of the Sierra Norte of Oaxaca, Mexico —Santa Catarina Ixtepeji and Santa Maria Yavesía— were selected for comparison on key democratic features.Their respective forest land-use decisions have been regulated by “usos y costumbres”, local practices of governance based on indigenous systems of community service, along with socio-environmental considerations. Both communities have taken different forest use paths with positive and negative consequences for democratic governance of local forest resources.This study brings new insight into the meaning of democracy and common property systems.