Elecciones en Chiapas y paralelismos con la elección federal. Sobre "la calidad de la ciudadanía"

Palabras clave

organismos electorales
actas de escrutinio

Cómo citar

Apreza, I. C. (2014). Elecciones en Chiapas y paralelismos con la elección federal. Sobre "la calidad de la ciudadanía" . Desacatos. Revista De Ciencias Sociales, (24). https://doi.org/10.29340/24.604


This paper analyzes the gubernatorial election in Chiapas and establishes some similarities with the presidential election. It examines certain relevant indicators: the transition governments that fail to meet the citizen’s expectations, the political alliances formed before and after the elections, the lack of confidence towards the electoral institutions and the vote-tallying process; this last issue was the center of all debates in 2006. Based on evidences, this paper ponders on the poor quality of the citizen’s rights enjoyed in Mexico and studies the possibility of questioning the political transition itself.