La otra guerrilla mexicana. Aproximaciones al estudio del Ejército Popular Revolucionario
DOI: clave:
México, guerrillas, EPR, grupos armados, recursos bibliográficos, recursos hemerográficos, recursos electrónicosResumen
An aspect of Mexican life which has not been sufficiently examined is the post-zapatista guerrilla. It appeared in 1996, but in the course of four years it disintegrated and became almost non-existent. The influence of zapatismo, the militar y actions under taken by Mexican security agencies, its relationship with social struggles, and the unsteady process of a democratic transition that is unable to reach the rural areas, limited this process in various ways; although, it is also impor tant to highlight the social suppor t that the armed struggle receives. The poor media coverage it received is another difference experienced by the EPR, which currently struggles with internal problems, repression and the termination of its original project.Descargas
Cómo citar
La otra guerrilla mexicana. Aproximaciones al estudio del Ejército Popular Revolucionario. (2014). Desacatos. Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 24.