Médicos y antropólogos que descifran y tratan males. El desarrollo de la antropología de la medicina en Guatemala
https://doi.org/10.29340/23.642Palabras clave:
antropología de la medicina, Guatemala, indígenas, enfermedad, corrientes teóricas,Resumen
This paper focuses on the development of Medical Anthropology in Guatemala, from its inception to the valuable contributions made by American anthropologists and the first attempts to classify the illnesses of the indigenous peoples of Guatemala. It continues with the important publication of the book Etnomedicina en Guatemala (Ethnomedicine in Guatemala), which established the three fundamental pillars or disciplines that deal with that subject: Ethnobotany, traditional Medicine and KAPs (Knowledge,Attitudes and Practices). It ends with an outline of the different tendencies that have emerged in Guatemala since the latest significant developments.Descargas
Cómo citar
Médicos y antropólogos que descifran y tratan males. El desarrollo de la antropología de la medicina en Guatemala. (2014). Desacatos. Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 23. https://doi.org/10.29340/23.642