Género, educación sexual e infancia migrante: la asignatura pendiente


  • Claudia Salinas Boldo
  • Pedro Antonio Be Ramírez


The purpose of this work was to analyze the resources and discourses used in formal sex education received by a group of students, in an elementary school located in a rural area of Ensenada, Baja California. We used the ethnographic method. We interviewed a group of 17 mothers of the students, as well as the teacher in charge of the group. A session of sexuality class was observed. Although sex education is a need recognized by the school community, the adults responsible for these students do not have enough elements to provide comprehensive sex education to minors. 


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How to Cite

Género, educación sexual e infancia migrante: la asignatura pendiente. (2022). Desacatos. Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 69, 156-169. https://desacatos.ciesas.edu.mx/index.php/Desacatos/article/view/2529