Politics in “State of Necessity”: Analysis of an Autonomic Sequence of Subjectivation in the Extreme North of Uruguay
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Martins Moraes, A. (2021). Politics in “State of Necessity”: Analysis of an Autonomic Sequence of Subjectivation in the Extreme North of Uruguay. Desacatos. Revista De Ciencias Sociales, (66), 140–153. Retrieved from https://desacatos.ciesas.edu.mx/index.php/Desacatos/article/view/2119


In 2006, the rural development policies carried out by the Frente Amplio government in the Uruguayan city of Bella Unión were challenged by an autonomic politics that prescribed access to land from its own “state of necessity”. Through the testimonies of their protagonists and resorting to primary and secondary sources, I show how such politics subtracted from the established legal and institutional frameworks. From an anthropology of subjective singularities, I argue the irreducibility between state policies and autonomic politics. I show that the latter institute their own conditions of possibility, can be identified on their own terms, and only subsist for the duration of the process of subjectivation that made them possible and necessary.

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