Dynamic Citizenship. Institutional Foundations of Migration Federalism in the United States in the Context of Undocumented Migrants
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Besserer Rayas, A. S. (2021). Dynamic Citizenship. Institutional Foundations of Migration Federalism in the United States in the Context of Undocumented Migrants. Desacatos. Revista De Ciencias Sociales, (66), 46–63. Retrieved from https://desacatos.ciesas.edu.mx/index.php/Desacatos/article/view/2165


This paper argues that citizenship should be understood as a dynamic process, in contrast to the static and more classic model of this concept. The dynamic model suggests citizenship as the product of friction between different layers of authority and subjects. The paper then explores how this process produces semi-citizenships, inferior to full citizenship. Using the concept of dynamic citizenship, the article explores several scenarios that undocumented immigrants in the United States face, showing how the relative dispersion of power relates to the Deferred Action to Childhood Arrivals, sanctuary sites, municipal IDs, and exclusionary laws such as SB 1070 of Arizona. It concludes with a discussion about democratic backsliding in the United States and the role that citizenship plays in this phenomenon.

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