Género y racionalidades sobre el comportamiento sexual entre jóvenes: del discurso a la práctica de la igualdad
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How to Cite

Caballero Bravo, D. D., Austreberta, D., Sánchez Ramírez, G., & Rivas Bocanegra, M. G. (2022). Género y racionalidades sobre el comportamiento sexual entre jóvenes: del discurso a la práctica de la igualdad. Desacatos. Revista De Ciencias Sociales, (69), 124–137. Retrieved from https://desacatos.ciesas.edu.mx/index.php/Desacatos/article/view/2527


Based on a case study with female and male students, this research explores the rationalities surrounding sexual behaviors of a group of students in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, using mixed qualitative and quantitative methodology with questionnaires and focal groups as analytic tools. The find-ings show that the notion of equality is a modern logic that underlies sexual openness for women and responsible sexual participation for both sexes. These values are difficult to navigate in a context in which traditional gender norms establish sanctions for women who have practiced sexual openness, based on stigmatizing and criminalizing those who have unplanned pregnancies and abortions. 

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