Procesos territoriales de los potiguara de Paraíba, Brasil
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How to Cite

Estêvão Martins Palitot, & María Elena Martínez Torres. (2022). Procesos territoriales de los potiguara de Paraíba, Brasil. Desacatos. Revista De Ciencias Sociales, (70), 44–59. Retrieved from


Since democratization process and promulgation of the 1988 Constitution, Potiguara peoples from Northeastearn Brazil have been recovering their ancestral lands and culture. In the last 40 years they have developed a strategic process of social reorganization which includes land recovery and occupation of public offices. This article presents the historical processes of territorialization of several state and private institutions, and the most recent one leaded by the Potiguara themselves. We describe the territoriality and cosmovision within the Potiguara Indigenous Lands demarcated in recent decades.

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