Economía de la fayuca y del narcotráfico en el noreste de México. Extorsiones, contubernios y solidaridades en las economías transfronteriza
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The article focuses on the intersection of two forms of organization that aim to make certain goods to cross the international border between Mexico and the United States
drug trafficking and fayuca trade. What promotes the inclusion of the drug cartels in the fayuca trade? The answer lies in the logical organization of both businesses
as defined by the presence of an international border and historically based in the extortion
social networks
exchange of services and certain levels of violence. We analyze how the cartels are now involved in the fayuca trade to the south of the border
and we consider how traders
officials and union leaders now coexist with social actors who previously operated separately. economía

How to Cite

Sandoval, E. (2014). Economía de la fayuca y del narcotráfico en el noreste de México. Extorsiones, contubernios y solidaridades en las economías transfronteriza. Desacatos. Revista De Ciencias Sociales, (38), 43–60.