La obra institucional por la autonomía es una historia de migración. De Socialisme ou Barbarie a Cornelius Castoriadis / Agora International
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This is an attempt to reframe the imaginary dimension as a space for social transformation. Against the inherited philosophical tradition and its dependency of hypercategory of determination
we revisited a diaspora around Cornelius Castoriadis
committed with a radical political project. The bureaucratic phenomenon criticism takes place in the group and the magazine Socialisme ou Barbarie. An exercise
strongly inspired in the psychoanalytic knowledge will allow us to establish a parallelism between the institutional work for autonomy
the imaginary and social dimension of the displacement
and a new way to understand public service. dimensión imaginaria
cultura política
obra institucional
servicio público

How to Cite

Redondo, R. M. (2014). La obra institucional por la autonomía es una historia de migración. De Socialisme ou Barbarie a Cornelius Castoriadis / Agora International. Desacatos. Revista De Ciencias Sociales, (37), 49–66.