Concesiones forestales, exclusión y sustentabilidad. Lecciones desde las comunidades de la Sierra Norte de Oaxaca .
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Community efforts to overcome distributive economic conflicts are a way to challenge directly processes of social exclusion. These practices are specific examples of a concrete ethos. Peasants from the Sierra Norte in Oaxaca were excluded by the award of concessions to exploit the forests to private companies. The analysis examines the lessons learned and their application in subsequent efforts to transform the social appropriation of nature into a process that is both socially and environmentally responsible
these efforts also became a strategy for escaping from a new dependency on the globalized market. comunalidad
conflictos distributivos
praxis campesina

How to Cite

Carrasco, M. E. F., & Barkin, D. (2014). Concesiones forestales, exclusión y sustentabilidad. Lecciones desde las comunidades de la Sierra Norte de Oaxaca . Desacatos. Revista De Ciencias Sociales, (37), 93–110.